Module FOUR

Modern Readings in Philosophy


What am I? What kind of world am I in? How can I know about it? How should I live my life? In this module, we’ll grapple with fundamental philosophical questions that have great personal significance for each of us. We’ll focus on perspectives from the history of modern philosophy (ca. 1650 to 1950). Students will get to debate the ideas of key thinkers including Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, as well as other less well-known figures.

Modern Readings in Philosophy is the second Accredited Module in the Crito Project curriculum. It represents a significant ‘step up’ into higher education for our students; they are now studying modules that mirror the structure, reading, assessment and rewards experienced by students on the UEA campus.

Wittgenstein i Kreuzberg, Bernhard Ellefsen: licensed under Creative Commons

Wittgenstein i Kreuzberg, Bernhard Ellefsen: licensed under Creative Commons